Areas of interest.
I offer individual as well as couples counselling. I also offer workshops and employee wellness services.
What is anxiety?
Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress. It is characterised by three main characteristics; worry, fear and a loss of control. It affects us on three main levels; thought level, emotional level and behavioural level. Negative thoughts cause a spiral that leads the anxious individual to fear, worry and feel out of control.
Stress management
What is stress?
Stress is an emotional, physical or mental strain, pressure or tension resulting from adverse circumstances or events. Stress is the body’s way of challenging the demands of those circumstances or events. Everyone experiences stress from time to time, because it is a natural response to life’s experiences. Normal stress is healthy because it helps us to perform well, for an example exam stress helps us to study and prepare for the exam, so that we can pass. Normal stress helps us to handle challenges. An excessive amount of stress is however harmful because it overwhelms your coping skills and affects your functioning. Chronic stress has an adverse impact on your physical health and emotional wellbeing.
What is bereavement?
Bereavement is experiencing a loss and grief due to the death of a loved one. Bereavement is characterised by the grief process, which comprises of different stages and has mental, emotional, physical and social effects or reactions. Bereavement affects people differently and people process their grief in different ways.
What is trauma?
Trauma is an intense emotional response to a deeply distressing or disturbing event that overwhelms an individual’s ability to cope and causes feelings of helplessness.
Relationships (Couple’s counselling)
People seek couple’s counselling in order to resolve issues, improve communication or to acquire tools to use during hard times. The counsellor’s role is to assist the couple to navigate through their emotions, experiences and hopes for their relationship.